So I haven’t posted or used this site in forever. To be honest I might not of again if it wasn’t for me checking my credit card statement and finding the autopay was still active. This was probably the largest amount I’ve had for one of those auto-pays that you setup and forget about. It […]

I’ve realized today that its good to review and reflect on what I’ve learned or experienced. as it seems I’ve begun a cycle again, gone back into old habits doing the same things I said I wouldn’t anymore. I’m not a huge fan of these habits as they’re nasty ugly habits that make me less […]

It ain’t hard to see what my problem is. The cycle begins again where the circle ends, and I ask myself why, but I already know the answer. It’s not hard to see when it’s right in front of your face, but you pretend, you pretend like it doesn’t exist. And then it doesn’t exist. […]

Just in my mind it seems I try and define these dreams, it’s just a fine line; the seams that hold me together, as I am just a patch work sweater that’s been through it’s fair share of the weather, and as I rip and tare another patch will go there, hoping that the time […]

If you really wanted me you wouldn’t still be talking to someone else, so I’ll just take what I have and go, because I ain’t so side hoe, and that I’m just better off alone

Dominoes. You spend so much time setting them all just to have it all crumble down in a instant. What could have been destroyed by one simple push, be it a mistake or on purpose when it happens it happens. Sometimes I feel like I don’t even setup the dominoes, I Just knock down the […]

In these moments we call our life we are left with choices. These choices can shape our reality. We can choose to continue a harmful cycle of doubt and disbelief or to break free and create new thoughts and habits. I met with some old friends yesterday and during our conversation they tried to convince […]