Here’s a short story I wrote after High school, its my version of what happened In the Begining of Existence
Please Note I’m not making fun of religion or religious texts, I just took an old story and rewrote it in a fashion that seemed fit to me. This sort of work has been done before, you might know some of it as the works of Walt Disney. Please Enjoy
It awoke, an orb like a bright light shining for all to see. However there was no one to see it. Before the light came to be there was nothing in space, and time didn’t exist, it was a dark, empty space. When the light came into existence it became aware of itself and what was, or wasn’t around it.
Once it had become aware if itself it knew that there was no way for it to experience what it was. Because it had this burning desire within itself. It made its first move. Creating a time for it to exist in, this time took form only changing its appearance to suit its desire.
The light created sensations for itself, and with this the light separated into an infinite amount of colors. Once it had seen these colors it wanted to see more colors. So it moved again. Soon after it made another. And then another. And right after that yet another move. The light was moving in every which direction, expanding and creating its own environment. Its own simulation of what it thought it would enjoy. It began to love this simulation, and with this move love came into existence, and it was good.
Once it had experienced love, it wanted a companion to share love with. It created another form, a shape most like its own yet beautifully different at the same time. The form would serve to create more existences for the light, a portal into itself, now at this time there was only good within the light. The void that the light existed in only existed outside of the light reach.
The space the light existed in was forever growing, causing the void to feel farther away with every move, this however did not destroy the void for it didn’t exist. The light had told time and his companion that it could do whatever they wanted that was good, however there was this one place they should not go to. It told them that there was an experience they would not want, for the light knew all things that would exist within it.
At this point the light rested, enjoying what it had done. Now it wanted to watch its creation grow. At this point, time and his companion thought they existed alone. Being made of the light but not the light they communicated with each other. Times companion asked time what could be so bad about the experience the light had warned them about. At this point, time did not know for it was young, having been created in the light it did not know all the light knew, not having experienced it all yet.
With this the couple moved to what the light had warned them of. Once they had experienced what the light had told them not to, the light had become angry with time for not listening to it. The light cursed its creations into darkness to learn what it had done to itself.
With this move of the light duality came into existence. And it was good, with it the lights simulation would learn what was light and darkness. And it was good. Because time only existed within the light simulation, the light knew what existed and what did not however, because time existed within the simulation it thought it had done wrong.
With this move time reversed itself into the darkness that existed before the light. Causing it to exist only within the darkness that never existed for the darkness was only a shadow of what was, is, and forever will be. The Light.